Crédito y Caución guarantees non-payment
risk for the trade operations of your company, both in
domestic and export activities.
It is the leading company in
its sector in the Iberian Peninsula with a market share in Spain
of 60%, and 32% in Portugal, being the fourth largest group in
international rankings.
The company is backed up by a strong panel of reinsurers, made
up of Spanish and foreign companies, including:
• Swiss Re
• Münchener Rückversicherung Gesellschaft
• Hannover Rück
• Seguros Catalana Occidente, S.A.
• Partner Re
• N.V. Nationale Borg Maatschappij
• Scor Re
• Sirius international
• OND Ducroire
Crédito y Caución has a database
of economic, financial and commercial information that is kept
permanently up to date with over 50
million company entries. The company insures more than
10% of the Spanish Gross Domestic Product.
Each insured can obtain an instant response from anywhere in
the world to credit limit enquiries through the
CYCRED® on-line service, enabling you to optimise your
client portfolio management.
In 1934, Crédito y Caución was co-founder of the
Berne Union, the
most important grouping of insurance companies and state agencies
for export credit insurance.
Since 1930 it has been a member of the ICISA
(International Credit Insurance and Surety Association),
the main association of international credit and surety companies.
It is also a member of the Associación
Panamericana de Fianzas (PASA - Panamerican Surety Association),
whose members specialise in credit and bonding, and which has
a particularly strong presence in Latin America.
Moody's has given it an "A3"
solvency rating.
Atradius Group, with presence in 42 countries.